Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2 more sleeps

Well apparently the first thing that can go wrong is that your assignment can be cancelled a week before you fly out. Bummer. But thankfully before I could cry (much) I had a new assignmnet up and running thanks to the team in the Philippines.

I am now going to be working with the Negros Island Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Foundation (NISARD), as a sustainable agriculture development officer. Check out this link to see what they are doing: www.nisard.org/

A combination of reading about their projects and seeing some great photos of the rural parts of Negros has left me pretty darn excited I must say. I am still feeling a little overwhelmed, and confused as to what I can offer, but I am trying to take my ICO's advice and have an open mind, and faith in cooperative development, and not put too much pressure on my self. (At this stage I would be happy for one way learning - them to me, let alone 2 way!)

I am just so excited to be working with people that have such a belief in agriculture, and the importance of educating and encouraging rural landholders - some one has to grow our food, and we should be treating those people with respect and appreciation, regardless of country or wealth.

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